Testing, Measuring and Evaluation
Productivity is the most important issue to survive in today’s globally competitive world.
Malfunction or shut down of an electrical system can cause many problems for companies in which case the consequences can vary from complete work stoppage toexcessive energy costs. This usually occurs because of problems with power quality which often originate inside of the facility.
The reasons are usually as follows:
Installation : improper grounding, improper routing or undersized distribution
Operation : equipment operated outside of design parameters
Mitigation : improper shielding or lack of power factor correction.
Maintenance : deteriorated cable insulation or gruounding connections.
Age : sometimes power quality problems can occure as a result of aging equipment.
Power quality problems can also originate outside the facility from the grids as unpredictable outages, voltage sags, dips, swells and power surges.

SIGMA Engineering Europe has highly experienced and skilled personel for all tasks, including the following issues:
Testing, Measuring and Analysing of Power Quality;